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Belding Bugle Newsletter
Celebrating a long tradition, the City of Belding publishes the "Belding Bugle Newsletter". You may pick up a printed copy at City Hall, or download a PDF copy here.
October - December 2024 Belding Bugle
"Happy Hallowthanksmas" Edition
Michigan voters have more options to cast their ballot now due to changes in the State Constitution as a result of Proposal 22-2. This edition of the Belding Bugle dedicates an entire page striving to inform our voters here in the City of Belding of some of these changes such as voting absentee or taking advantage of early voting, which takes place in Ionia.
If you are a voter who prefers to vote in person on Election Day, this article will prepare you for what to expect in Belding's polling location, the Belrockton. Our goal is to maintain order in the polls and to provide a safe and secure environment for voters and election officials. Your anticipated cooperation on Election Day is appreciated.
The City is in the process of redoing our Master Plan, which serves as a vision for the city's future. Please participate in taking the survey--your opinion matters!
On behalf of the City of Belding, we wish you a Happy Hallowthanksmas!
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July - September 2024 Belding Bugle
"Americana" Edition
This quarter's newsletter offers residents new communication services - email and texting options! Help us to communicate with you by signing up now!
Two City Council Member seats will be coming available at the November General Election. The filing deadline is July 23, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Clerk's Office. If you are interested in becoming a candidate, contact the Clerk for more information. In regard to elections, also contained in this edition you will find what options are available for you to vote in August.
The Fire Department has some fireworks safety tips for you to consider. Enjoy these "dog days" of summer - the snow will be flying before we know it!
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April - June 2024 Belding Bugle
"All Things Spring" Edition
This edition contains the Department of Public Works 2024 schedule for brush pick-up, yard waste pick-up, loose leaf pick-up, fire hydrant flushing as well as an important notice regarding hazardous items. With Spring upon us it is again the season to renew your fire pit permits with the Fire Department. We also have a few job opportunities available - be sure to check them out. We are excited to be gearing up for this season's summer concert series! "Music in the Park" is being renamed "Music by the River" to highlight one of our most valuable yet underutilized assets - the Flat River. Happy Spring everyone!
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January - March 2024 Belding Bugle
"Snow Globes and Gold Galore" Edition
As 2024 kicks-off a Presidential Election year, in the City Clerk's article you can read about some of the many changes Michigan voters will be experiencing this year, including Early Voting which will take place in Ionia. Belding voters will have additional changes with new precinct boundary lines, the elimination of Precinct 3 and a polling location change.
"Meet the Mayor" is an added opportunity this year for residents to meet Mayor Bruce Meyers one-on-one, in an informal setting one Saturday per month.
We are in need of volunteers for many of our boards and commissions. Please consider these opportunities.
As the Planning Commission is reviewing the current Animal Ordinance, don't miss your opportunity to voice your opinion in our Pet/Animal Survey. We have added an option for this survey to be completed online. Please refer to the Home Page of the City of Belding website to complete the survey or scan the QR code in the newsletter to be directed to the survey.
And for a little winter crafting fun, check out the article on making a "Do-It-Yourself Snow Globe".
Happy New Year, Everyone!
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October - December 2023 Belding Bugle
"Harvest/Holiday Trivia" Edition
Welcome Autumn and the start of the holiday season! Inside this edition, you will find that the City has a lot of exciting news to share!
We recently purchased the former Belco Building, located at 115 East Main Street. This will become the new City Hall in the near future. This building will offer accessibility to all of our residents.
Be sure to read about the new and improved leaf collection program. The DPW will be using a leaf vacuum versus a loader which should significantly speed up the leaf collection process.
Effective January 1, 2024, the voting precincts will be consolidated from 3 precincts to 2. All election day voting will take place at the Belrockton. Registered voters in the city will be receiving new voter ID cards prior to the Presidential Primary Election which will take place in late February/Early March 2024.
The City of Belding wishes everyone a safe, healthy and happy holiday season!
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July - September 2023 Belding Bugle
"Fun Summer Activities" Edition
This "Summer Activities" Edition features a convenient, half-sheet sized Music in the Park poster, so you never miss your favorite band(s) performance! Also be sure to thank the event sponsors for their generous donations which make Music in the Park possible!
If you are a registered voter in the City of Belding or would like to become one, don't miss out on the article from the Clerk as there are some important changes taking place that may affect you.
Along with the many informative articles submitted by our department heads, we hope you find our "fun facts" to be just that - FUN!
Happy Summer everyone - it will be gone before we know it!
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April - June 2023 Belding Bugle
"Inspirational Hot-Air Balloon Quotes" Edition
Along with regular department information and reminders, this 8-page edition of the Belding Bugle contains an advance notice of a proposed water and sewer rate increase including an explanation of why the rates are proposed to be increased and ways that you can reduce water consumption, therefore reducing your bill. This article can be found on page 5.
We have also included a survey regarding Curbside Refuse Pick-up. This can be found on page 7 or by clicking the link below. Deadline for submission is Monday, May 8, 2023.
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January - March 2023 Belding Bugle
"First Responder Facts" Edition.
Featuring articles about Dial-A-Ride, the City Finance Department, Belding Housing, information from the City Assessor, the Fire Department, the DPW, Police Department, Code Enforcement, and much more.
4 pages. The link below will download and read it as a PDF.
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