Government and Services > City Services, Departments, Communications > Housing Commission
Belding Housing Commission
Offering rental opportunities to senior citizens, families, handicapped and disabled individuals under income-based and flat rent options.
Affordable Apartments for Approved Applicants
The Housing Commission rents 140 units to approved applicants.
Family unit rental rates include water, sewer and trash removal.
Senior citizen, handicapped and disabled rental rates include water, sewer, trash removal, and heat.
Apartments are located on five different sites within city limits, and all apartments offer ground-level entry with a number of units being wheelchair accessible. All locations are nearby to schools and the downtown area, and are ideal for shopping, business, parks and recreation, library, museum, transportation, and city services.
Belding Housing Commission
Meets 3rd Thursday of month at 6:15 p.m.
The Belding Housing Commission is a five-person board appointed by City Council for five-year terms as stipulated under state law - Michigan Public Act 18. In accordance with the United States Housing Act of 1937, the mission of Belding Housing Commission is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing and maintain it in good repair for persons who meet eligibility requirements. The role of Belding Housing Commission board members is to provide leadership, set policy, and ensure the proper administration of the program, by and through its Executive Director. The commission is responsible to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under HAP Contracts, the State of Michigan under Public Act 18, and the City of Belding under the Cooperation Agreement. Commission members must have integrity, be objective, and must devote adequate time and effort at regularly scheduled meetings to review reports on operations. Belding Housing Commission is a Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity agency.
Appointed Members
Michael Baker, 616-794-2888
Sandra Boutell, 616-794-9912
Arthur Mahar, 616-794-3018
James Mason, 616-794-3558
Jeff Swanson, 616-794-3072
Vacant - City Council Liaison
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must meet income and other screening eligibility requirements as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and local policy.
Applications may be obtained from the Belding Housing Commission office, 41 Belhaven, during regular business hours. Belding Housing Commission is an Equal Housing Opportunity agency.